Hot & Sober

The life of the party without the hangover


Hot and Sober is redefining what it means to live alcohol-free.

We’re a movement, a mindset, and a community for those who know that sobriety isn’t about FOMO, it’s about showing up fully, living boldly, and making unforgettable memories.

We’re a community proving that you don’t need alcohol to be the most magnetic, confident, and vibrant person in the room.

Hi, I’m Joel, the founder of Hot and Sober, a community dedicated to helping people live their best lives without alcohol.

After choosing sobriety on November 18, 2022, I experienced a complete transformation and discovered that life can be even more fun, fulfilling, and empowering without alcohol.

Now, my mission is to help others do the same. Embracing sobriety as a choice that brings health, confidence, deeper relationships, and success.